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I will transcribe your german audio

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About This Gig

Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich vor dem Kauf immer!


Ich werde Ihre deutschen Video-/Audiodateien transkribieren.


Bitte teilen Sie mir mit, ob Sie eine:

-wörtliche Transkription (mit "ähm", "hm", Stotterern, Fehlern, also genau so wie es gesprochen wird, z.B. "haste ma' 'n") 

oder eine

-geglättete Transkription (ohne "ähm", "hm", Stotterer, Fehler, also eine leichte Korrektur des Gesagten, z.B. "hast du mal einen")

haben möchten.



Falls Ihre Datei länger ist: kontaktieren Sie mich, dann können wir einen Custom-Gig vereinbaren.



Please always contact me before buying!



I will transcribe your German video/audio files.


Please let me know if you would like a:

-full verbatim transcription (including "err", "hm", stutters, mistakes, i.e. exactly how it's being said, e.g "y'all goin'")

or a 

-clean verbatim transcription (without "err", "hm", stutters, mistakes, i.e. a slight correction of what's being said, e.g "you all going")


For timestamps simply order the gig extra (e.g.: Max [00:42:14]:).


If your file is longer: contact me so we can arrange a custom gig.

About The Seller

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Member since

November 2022

Avg. response time

0 minutes

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0 minutes



How much would a transcription of X minutes cost me?

X*2 Please keep in mind that these prices are in USD.

Can I send you larger files?

Yes, of course, please simply upload the video/audio file to Wetransfer/Dropbox etc and send me the link to the file (I cannot give you my e-mail address because of Fiverr's ToS).

Could you translate the German audio into English?

Sorry, this gig is only for German transcriptions (German audio into German text). Translating it would be an additional gig.

Can you transcribe Swiss German audio files?

German with a slight Swiss German dialect is fine, but I can't transcribe Swiss German unfortunately.


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