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I will perform a complex IP address lookup

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About This Gig


I will check any IP address's reputation to verify if its user is a scammer/fraudster/bot or a real person. No information needed, only IP addresses you want to check.


Information about IPs is inferred through machine learning & probability theory techniques using dynamic checks with large datasets.


A detailed report will be produced on every address you provide and will include multiple identifiers:

  1. IP coordinates (country, city)
  2. ASN
  3. ISP
  4. proxy/VPN/TOR
  5. IP type (mobile/data-center/residential/hosting/educational)
  6. dynamic/static
  7. recent abuse or malicious activity
  8. blacklisted
  9. public access point
  10. opened ports

...or your custom request.


I will also describe what each of these parameters mean, what type of user is behind the IP.


Sometimes it's possible to find more information (for example, name or website).Contact me, so I could check if it's possible first.


The results will be provided in a docx, pdf or xlsx.


About The Seller

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Information Intelligence and Security Expert
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All My Skill



Member since

November 2022

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What this service might be used for?

The use case list can be endless: your web privacy or OPSEC test; digital footprinting; fraud prevention; pre-employment screening; background check; skip tracing; due diligence; pre-date check or ex tracking; conversion rate increase (by getting rid of bots, burner accounts or other abusers).

How to verify the quality of your work?

The only way to truly verify the expertise is to give 1 piece of input information (for example, the IP) and order to investigate using only it. After that, compare the price and the quality of information I deliver with other seller's deliveries with the same conditions.

Can you lower the price?

Sorry, but the demand for my services is too high. In addition, my actual net income is lower, because I pay 13% tax and 20% fee from each order to Fiverr.

Can you do bulk?

Yes. Please contact me before the order, so I could offer a wholesale price.


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