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Starting at $10.00

design menu, flyer, poster, restaurant, food, drink, wine

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Before ordering, please contact me. I'm very impressed!


My name is Powerk and I have about 5 years of graphic design experience. I specialize in designing publications about the food and beverage industry for restaurants.


In the best quality publications I have ever created for clients, the following elements are always present:

- Choose images with the best quality possible for design.

- Clean and delete unnecessary objects from the original image.

- Cut and join according to your requirements.

- Adjust the colors to harmonize.

- Outline the text with the content you provide.

- Add effects if necessary.


For each order, I will help you edit it to your liking 3 times. Please support a few more cups of coffee and we will continue to edit until we achieve the most satisfactory product.


In addition, I also have some other services such as video editing, music production,... if you want, please visit my personal page to see more about those services.


Thank you for reading!

About The Seller

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Graphic Designer, Video Editor, Music Producer
Contact me


Member since

June 2024

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Tiếng Việt


I am a

- Video Editor with 8 years of experience

- Graphic Designer with 5 years of experience 

- Music Producer with 6 years of experience.

I would be happy to be of service to you.


Who are you?

I am a Video Editor with 8 years of experience, Graphic Designer with 5 years of experience and Music Producer with 6 years of experience.

Can I contact you privately by phone or other social networks?

No, because Fiverr's rules are that I am only allowed to work here, please and understand me. I will only let you contact me privately when our work is completed.

What elements will your graphic design product include?

Choose images with the best quality possible for design. Clean and delete unnecessary objects from the original image. Cut and join according to your requirements. Adjust the colors to harmonize. Outline the text with the content you provide. Add effects if necessary.

If the product you give me is almost perfect but I want to tweak it a bit, is there any additional c

I can edit for you up to 3 times for free. And if there is a 4th time or more, please support me $5 for each edit. Note that the level of editing is only less than 30% of the product. If you want to edit more, it will take me quite a bit of time, so please support me with a little extra fee.


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