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My Personal website

My Personal website

My Personal website
My Personal website
My Personal website
My Personal website


This is my personal website.
I can create websites for you or your business. Which can improve your business. I am able to create landing page, sales page, squeeze page, coming soon page and shopify website for you using my skills (html, css, bootstrap, JavaScript & js-frame). That will help promote your business more. Also I will convert - psd to html , Figma to html , XD to html, & I will create html Email template, Mailchimp email signature etc. If you're in need of something like that, you've come to the right place.
I am always ready for you. :)

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web_Coder Front End Web Developer

Welcome to my profile! I am Firoz a skilled front-end web developer, With expertise in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript,& jQuery, I have the technical know-how to create stunning websites that not only look great, also function seamlessly. Whether you're in need of a full or simply some minor, I have the skills to get the job done efficiently & effectively. Let's work together to create a website that not only meets your needs, exceeds your expectations. Contact me to discuss how I can help you achieve your goals! Thanks