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Dave Empire
Dave Empire Email marketing//////social media///// Crowdfunding Specialist
New seller

Email marketing//////social media///// Crowdfunding Specialist



Member since

May 2023

Avg. response time

5 minutes

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0 minutes



EMAIL MARKETER As an Email Marketing Expert, I am passionate about helping businesses connect with their audience through effective and engaging email campaigns. With years of experience in the field, I have developed a deep understanding of what it takes to create successful email campaigns that drive results. 
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETER As a Social Media Marketing Expert on Upwork, I am passionate about helping businesses connect with their audience and grow their online presence through effective social media strategies. With years of experience in the field, I have developed a deep understanding of what it takes to create successful social media campaigns that drive results.

CROWDFUNDING MARKETER As a Crowdfunding Marketing Expert on Upwork, I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs and startups raise funds for their projects through effective crowdfunding campaigns. With years of experience in the field, I have developed a deep understanding of what it takes to create successful crowdfunding campaigns that drive results.